Fishing Hook instal the last version for windows
Fishing Hook instal the last version for windows

Fishing Hook instal the last version for windows

Make sure that distributions are stored on your system drive: The Windows Subsystem for Linux only runs on your system drive (usually this is your C: drive).Installation failed with error 0x80070003 File a Windows Terminal issue using the the Windows Terminal product repo if your problem is related more to the Windows Terminal, Windows Console, or the command-line UI.

Fishing Hook instal the last version for windows

To contribute to the WSL docs, see the Microsoft Docs contributor guide. File a documentation issue using the WSL docs repo.You will need to address a few questions describing your request. File a feature request by selecting the green New issue button and then select Feature request.You will need to include a title for the issue, your Windows build number (run cmd.exe /c ver to see your current build #), whether you're running WSL 1 or 2, your current Linux Kernel version # (run wsl.exe -status or cat /proc/version), the version # of your distribution (run lsb_release -r), any other software versions involved, the repro steps, expected behavior, actual behavior, and diagnostic logs if available and appropriate. If you have found a problem with WSL and there does not appear to be an existing issue, you can select the green New issue button and then choose WSL - Bug Report. Please consider commenting or giving a thumbs up to any open issues that you would like to express your interest in moving forward as a priority. Note that in the search bar, you can remove "is:open" to include issues that have already been resolved in your search. Search existing issues to see if there are any associated with a problem that you are having.The WSL product repo issues enables you to: File an issue, bug report, feature request We have covered some common troubleshooting scenarios associated with WSL below, but please consider searching the issues filed in the WSL product repo on GitHub as well.

Fishing Hook instal the last version for windows